Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dorcas wanted prayer

Dorcas wanted prayer

Hundreds of people were responding to the gospel during the invitation. Many more came for prayer. One lady walked right up to me and asked if I would pray with her. Her name was Dorcas. She had a niece in the hospital that was very sick and she needed our prayers. I put my arm around her and we prayed for her little niece. We asked God to heal her and bring her family peace and comfort.

Dorcas gave me a hug, a big smile, and a thank you. Then off she went into the crowd.

Two days later we were visiting a hospital, going from room to room praying with sick people and their families. As I was walking to a room I heard “Pastor Kris, Pastor Kris”. It was Dorcas. I was standing right by the door of her niece’s room. She grabbed my arm and we went right to her niece’s bed so we could pray.

We finished our hospital visit and began visiting with people in the market nearby. I once again heard that voice say “Pastor Kris, Pastor Kris”. Dorcas was smiling as she brought the news her niece was sitting up and feeling much, much better.

All quite a coincidence some might say. God’s people know that is just God.


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