Saturday, April 4, 2009

Policeman Abraham

Policeman Abraham

He was a big man with an even bigger smile. His uniform told everyone he was a policeman. He was part of the security team during our stay in Monrovia. He was Policeman Abraham. We hit it off immediately. He wanted to go with me whenever he could. You could tell he was captivated by what we were doing.

He was with us when we went to the orphanage and watched the children being taken away. Some policemen were inciting the crowd against us and WACSN. They were passing along the lies that the kids were being held hostage and sold as slaves. Some of the policemen beat the security guard at the orphanage.

And the police stood in a line as the children were led out of the orphanage. But back away from them a uniform caught my eye. It was Policeman Abraham. His face was sad, his head hung low. He was not happy with these events.

I went over to him and put my arm around him. I told him it would be alright and that God was in control of this situation. I told him we loved him and that we didn’t blame him for what the police were doing.

He told me that being a policeman in Monrovia was hard. Very few of the police have a gun. So if you tried to stop a criminal or enforce the law, the bad guys would find out where you live and try to get even. Yet Monrovia and Liberia really need good, honest policemen to make it a safer place. Liberia needs more Policeman Abraham’s, who love their people and want to make them safe.

Pray for Policeman Abraham and others like him. They are all the safety that many Liberians have, and they need courage to do their job.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kris for these last few posts. Gives me a better understanding of our mission in Liberia. At first, I thought it only for the children. Now I know it for the "least of these". All of them. Harriet
