Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Energizer Bunnies!

Our group just keeps on going and going and going. Read how they spent the last evening in Monrovia:

Kris called and said that on Tuesday evening a sound truck with lights was rented (a pickup with a generator, mic and speakers and light stands). The went to the poorest among them. People living on an nearby island, of mainly rock, with nothing. But they had pastors wishing for the Fresh Start team come and to preach:
Love God
Love Others
Make Disciples

Kris, Dax, Michael Fresbie, and the others did just that and said over 150 committed to Christ! The team now knows exactly the way to tell the Word in Liberia. And the cost is very low overhead....
Fresh Start is getting to live our vision. Also the evangelists list is growing, Brook, Jeremy, Tony, Michael, Chris, Trent, Kiley, and Keith are coming on strong. When they return to "normal life" at home they will not be able to sit still.

Back Home

Wednesday, the 1st, the group will be heading home. I am sure they will have fun with the April Fools jokes as they go through the various airports. I can only imagine what some of the team will pull off! Travel safe be ready for a thousand questions.

Crusade Pictures

Click on the picture to see the photo album of the crusade:

How Big Is God

Give Thanks to the Lord, For HE is Good.

Good Morning, All I can say today is "Give Thanks to the Lord, for HE is Good, His Love Endures Forever." I have that song in my heart this morning. It is true in every circumstance, however, we tend to run on our emotions and fear instead of His truth. I want to stand on His TRUTH.

Please know that we are at peace and very safe. The mean lady found the nursery yesterday, but we were prepared and all the little ones were SAFE. I don't feel free to elaborate, but just know they are SAFE. Also know that two of the older children have contact with someone close to us, and they are doing well. They know how to look after one another and are doing so. We are confident that God is in Control.

We went to the Senate yesterday. Lots of pictures, little talking by us. We are waiting for an appointment to meet privately with the Vice President, President Pro-Tem, and possibly President. PRAY for at least one of those meetings to come to pass. We want to plead for our children. This is not about us, it is about God. He will be glorified.

It will be difficult to board the plane tomorrow, but I am at peace. God did not bring me here by mistake. He did not give me love for Samuel by mistake. I will cherish the few moments I had with him, regardless if they were the last. He was God's child before I knew about him and will continue to be, with or without me. I prayed over him, and I am confident that God knows what is best for him.

On a more joyous note, I attended a beautiful wedding last night. What a blessing it was for me to be able to be there. We have video and many pics. I can't wait to share.

Love you all very much! We will see you soon!

Monday, March 30, 2009

News from Monrovia

I spoke on the phone with Trent Watkins. He is certain God is working and some dead wood needed to be cleared.
I also spoke later with Kris and he is of the same opinion.
The Crusade resulted in three to five hundred souls coming to Christ and this is a real blessing. Thank you to Fresh Start for your efforts.
Brook and Kiley Ewbank are headed home today and Grandmothers Judy Ewbank and Jo Ann Gooch will meet them tomorrow and since Brook's birthday is today, take them to Ted's for dinner as Brook requested.
Calvin is leaving for Kenya and now has Liberia in his heart.
When they all are back we will get together to hear from the group their thoughts of the Crusade and how we work to spread the good news.
Kris knows that God's hand was all over the Crusade. Sometimes we expect things from our perspective and do not listen to what God is asking us to do and seeing what He is doing.

Everyone will be back in Oklahoma City late Thursday, so Sunday we will be able to visit and fellowship.

Crusade Buildup

Here's some video I took building up to the crusade. There are a lot more pictures and videos, including video of Kris's, mine and Calvin's sermons. I'll get those together as soon as I can. I put this on together real fast. It's pretty fun and it just shows the guys going out to promote the crusade and then kind of a build up to the crusade itself. On the last day we estimate we had 5-6000 people there. not as big as we wanted maybe, but it's still a lot! and I think the people walked away with a very clear message, if they will turn back to Christ, God will heal their land!


Just wanted to let everyone know that I talked to Dax on the phone today.  He said that a group of them went and preached the Word in the market today.  He said he was talking to a crowd of people and when he was done someone from our group would motion for him to come down to where they were and he would start talking to this next group.  He mentioned that there was some Muslims in the crowds when he was speaking.  One thing is for sure, the Gospel is being spread, which means God is being glorified!  That's exciting!!

Dax was going to try and put some videos up on the blog today so be looking forward to that.  He also said that Mary Beth has been journaling so we can look forward to hearing or reading her take on everything when they get home.  Just remember that our team members are busy, busy, busy.  They're tying to get as much done in as little time as possible.  Pray that they not only have Spiritual strength but also Physical strength.  

If anyone wants to know more information contact me and I'll email Dax your questions.  He's good about emailing me back whenever he has the time and energy.     


Trust in ?

My phone has been ringing off my belt this morning. People here are concerned about the group in Monrovia.

Kris called Sunday afternoon at 1:30 P.M. in Monrovia and spoke with Phil for 45 minutes. Phil spoke at length Sunday moring at church about the conversation. Sunday was the last day of the Crusade and they were extremely busy. Today is the meeting with the Government officials to discuss the adoption situation. The group will represent the orphans, Bishops, Frenchs, and the Watkins well. Several gifted extemporeous speakers from our Fresh Start Fellowship, full of the Spirit, will attend and be part of the meeting.

Be at peace and give those in Monrovia the benefit of time. Their plates are full dealing with the situation and the mothers that are there. Remember the fruits of the Spirit and demonstrate it through our acts. Prayer, not worry, is what is needed.

Hearts are Heavy

My dear sisters and brothers of faith, I am struggling with my fears for your safety. I'm sorry, as you all know, that has been my first and foremost concern, with THIS trip to Liberia. I am very concerned for Sheila and Lisa, but we must not forget Erica. She is also heartbroken. Also, the fathers should be prayed for. I know Keith, Trent and Brock are suffering too.

We haven't heard anything from Liberia since Saturday. I'm wondering if the corrupted government has already taken over the satellite system that Dax has worked so diligently on. Michael, I worry about you and Jeremy, being the youngsters of the crowd. Jeremy has been there before, but under completely different circumstances, but Michael you are getting a first hand view as is Mary Beth and Tony. Norm and Nancy, I hope you are holding up. As for rest of team, my prayers are with you, and we are anxiously awaiting your return.

How about a big glass of ice tea, when you get home?


Be Strong and of Good Courage

Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong, courageous, and firm;
Fear not nor be in terror before them,
For it is the Lord your God Who goes with you;
He will not fail you or forsake you.
Our prayers are steadfast and unceasing for all of you!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Good Morning from South Major County

The Lord has provided the sun this morning and calm winds. It is the Lord's day. I am praying that all has gone well for all of you during the second day of the crusade. I spoke with Tammy's mom yesterday, and she is looking forward to meeting the airplane to get her grandchildren and take them to eat. Chatted with Lisa's mom on line and I ripped her for her slow typing. LOL. Am preparing to go to church, and have some support this morning. Just dying to hear what Garen has to say. Mary Beth, I have your son's full attention now. They are receiving their e-mail on their i-phones. Your daughter, Katie, is still using her lap top. I have been reading fontpageafrica on internet and have decided the Lord really needs a lot of help. Researched the Don Bosco Homes. Very interesting. As I said yesterday, put on your full armor of God, for we are at war with Satan. God Bless each and everyone of you and am looking forward to next Thursday. GO SOONERS. Both teams will play in the Elite Eight today.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

So much going on

Hi Fresh Start. Things are so busy, we're all working hard and are very tired but we are continuing to pursue God. The first night of the crusade didn't draw as many as I was dreaming it would but there was still 1500 - 2000 people there, and about 100 people responded for salvation. This is Africa, and plans change quickly, you have to learn and adapt and really live by faith. We are planning tonight to reorganize the events to really feature Calvin. His heart for Africans, and his experience, along with this love for Christ will give him a powerful message, I expect there will be many more people at the crusade tonight as we are organizing and planning with all the pastors and providing buses to help get their people there. We are planning now to have several radio stations carry the message live! That will be very exciting!

Calvin knows that the gospel is the key to liberating Africa (and all the world for that matter) from the bondage of satan and the deception of sin. Along with that his experience gives him an insight to get the message across.

We also were interviewed by many national radio and television stations where we were able to boldly proclaim Christ. So keep praying, the devil is hard at work and he has a stranglehold on this land, pray that people will seek Christ and He will lead them to repentance.

In other news we made the paper, satan continues to attack and distract through the government and news agencies. Here is a story that is filled with lies:


Do you think we are right in the thick of it? Praise God!

There are accusations also flying around that Maria has smuggled some kids out of the country. But the very kids they claim were smuggled out were taken from the orphanage by the government and Maria has all their paperwork, signed by the very official blaming them for smuggling! It's incredible satanic lies!

It all boils down to this. Satan does not want people to receive the gospel. If they do they will begin to live righteously and mend their families. Anytime you see a nation where the family is disintegrated you will find poverty and you will find Satanic forces running rampant. God uses the family as a conduit for his blessings, and as a safe harbor against satans attacks. As we live righteously under the Lordship of Christ, and care for our families, it builds strong prosperous nations in the way that God intended it to be done. This was the key to America's wealth, and as we turn from our foundation, we will begin to see poverty just the same as in Africa, because no institution can care for the needs of a child and raise that child to be a Godly man or woman better than a mother and father who love Jesus.

God is screaming this message at us. Are we listening? He is demanding the Gospel to be proclaimed and for people to live righteous lives. He is screaming this out of frustration and love, the same frustration you might feel if your child was struggling at a task because they won't listen to your simple instructions to complete it. This means we must work, we must raise our families in righteousness, our families must bind together and build strong churches, our churches must bind together to build strong cities, and our cities must bind together to build a strong nation. All of this hinges on YOU living for Jesus, loving Him, loving others, and making disciples.

You may have heard someone say "Seek first the kingdom of God ... and all of these thing will be added unto you." The "..." in the quote above is something we often leave out, it says "and His righteousness". If we are seeking God's kingdom, but not His righteousness, then we've only got it half right. We also know that in the book of James God commands us to rescue orphans, care for widows, but do you remember that the rest of that sentance says that we are to "keep ourselves from being polluted by the world". Everyday I start to understand it more and more, especially after seeing the children from the orphanage have all of the suffering from all of this ending up directly on them. Do you think your sin doesn't affect others? I'm coming to believe that satan ends up using it, however he can, to hurt the least among us.

Keep praying, we know the outcome and God wins! Let's stay on the front lines so we can celebrate in the victory all the more!

How Big is God This morning?

As I sit at my computer, it is 4:17 a.m. and the wind is raging outside, but I don't think its snowing now, my heart is in Monrovia, Liberia, Africa. I am thoughtful, I want to know is God protecting our loved ones? I know he is, but I want to see a post that you are alright. I have the whole Doane family reading the blog, from West Virginia to Nebraska to Texas and back. Prayers, especially from Nebraska, are heading your way. I've talked with Mildred Outhier, haven't gotten with Karl. Sonia is letting the water drip at the house. The birds are ok, but I don't know about the dogs. I love everyone of you, be safe. Share the word, Love God, Love Others, and MAKE DESCIPLES.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Crusade Begins!!

Today is the first of three days of the Crusade in Monrovia. I am certain that Kris, Dax, Calvin Burgess, and Michael Frisbee will bring God's message. Our support and prayers are very important at this event.
Pray for spiritual and sustainable changes in Liberia and the U.S.

Getting connected.....

I was asking Dax how the satelite internet connection was working.

His comments were: "The satellite connection is working great as well as the wifi on the compount, I haven't messed with the server any, i'll probably do that monday and set it up so I can access it from fairview."

"Oh they are using it. Calvin (Burgess) was just out in the breezeway talking on skype on his PC".

He's back!

From Tammy Ewbank,
Hi again everyone--a bit of good news. The young man who was taken away by the police is back at the compound with what we believe are minor injuries to his arm--actually we are praying for complete healing. So we are thanking God for that. Tony preached (he wouldn't say preaching) tonight along with Michael Frisbie at one of the churches and did a great job! So there have been blessings in the midst of all the problems. See you later. Oh and by the way after hearing Kris and Dax last night at a church (after Brook and Jeremy gave their "planned" talk-the guys was on the fly) we definitely believe they have African blood flowing through them!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


We continue to pray God's covering for all of you in Liberia. Psalm 5 & Psalm 35 have been very helpful chapters for us and we hope you will take a moment to read them. The following verses detail what our prayers have been for all involved.
Psalm 5:11,12
But let all those who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice;
let them ever sing and shout for joy, because
You make a covering over them and defend them;
let those also who love Your name be joyful in You
and be in high spirits.
For You, Lord, will bless the righteous;
as with a shield You will surround him with goodwill, pleasure,
and favor.
Job 17:9
Yet shall the righteous hold to their ways,
and he who has clean hands shall grow stronger and stronger!
God's promises are "Yes" and "Amen"! Our expectations are high for not only the return of the children but for revival in all of Liberia!!! Amen & Amen.

Finding Comfort in God's Word

This is the memory verse the kids and I have for this week.  I think it's fitting for our group right now.  I want to share this to encourage and comfort our Fellowship (those of us at home and in Liberia).  I hope it does...     

Psalm 56:3-4 (ESV)

3When I am afraid,
   I put my trust in you.
4In God, whose word I praise,
   in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
   What can flesh do to me?


Front row seats? No we are in midst of it.

Garen, no time to blog, please send to everyone

It was very gut wrenching to watch the Liberian Ministry of Health take away the kids from the orphanage. Making it even more difficult was watching the families who had kids in that group that are being adopted, stand in disbelief and horror as their kids were being carried away.

The kids were very scared and crying. They will be physically safe, but emotionally, they will be very scared and sad.

I spoke directly with the Minister of Health in the orphanage. I told him that he was accusing Americans, and more specifically 5 families from my church, of buying Liberian kids for their own gain. He denied that was what he said, but I told him that you cannot say WACSN is trafficking kids and not say Americans are buying them. I told him he would see me again. He gave me his card and told me to come Monday to see him. I plan to do that, God willing.

But God is not finished. He is going to turn this situation into a victory. The crusade will go on with even more commitment and more faith. We plan to gather a mile or so from the stadium on Sunday and march down the street into the stadium as show of unity and put God on display.

The pastors are working so hard on this crusade. They come in the morning and leave late at night. We have been with them in the communities, the markets, and the streets. God is going to honor their work and faith.

When we have done everything, we are told to stand. We have done everything we can do for the adoption situation and the crusade. We are now standing, waiting on God to move.

I asked for a front row seat, and I'm here to tell you we are getting to see plenty of action. And the crusade hasn't even started. Please pray and join us in the belief that God is going to do something great here in Liberia.


Interventional Prayers

9:50 AM Thurdsay 26Mar09
Tammy Ewbank called Judy Ewbank this morning with an urgent request. The Government of Liberia is removing the children from the WACSN orphanage because of the accusations (some orginating in Fairview) of mistreatment of the orphans. This is devasting to the families there that are adopting and breaking many hearts. Please pray that God, in his will, directs the Fresh Start Fellowship members in Monrovia, Calvin Burgess, and the staff at WACSN. Please pray that anger would not be apart of our reaction.
Pray for our vision to:
Love God
Love Others
Make Disciples

Please consider Sheila and Lisa and ask that God would console and comfort their hearts and souls.

The meeting rooom on the 1st floor of the iTower will be open all day for anyone wishing to stop in and pray. May the Holy Spirit use this to demonstrate God's power and love.

First Moments with Samuel

Hey Everyone! We arrived last night and were tired from our journey. Needless to say, I was very emotional and cried every time I saw old friends. I didn't get to go see Samuel last night, but after breakfast this morning I got to meet our youngest son.

He is napping on my bed right now. He is very tiny and SO SWEET. He really doesn't know what to think of all of us, yet. I miss my family at home, but holding him this morning is all worth it. I have permission to spend the whole day with him, yeah! I told Trent/Brandy I'd see him on Wednesday, ha ha.

Calvin, Trent/Brandy, and some others went to check out the agriculture possibilities today. Keep that in your prayers, as this is the future sustainability of the country. Madison went with most of the team to the stadium to begin preparation for the logistics of the crusade. A few others went to the children's home to work on renovations.

It looks like we will be telling our adoption story several times. Pray that God's words will be heard and not ours. Pray that I can speak clearly and not just bawl.

Love you all and thank you for your prayers!

Always Beyond Blessed, Sheila

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hello from the streets of Monrovia!

Hey Fresh Start!

Piercing the veil of digital silence

As of today at about 3pm Liberian time we have the satellite Internet connection working. This has been a struggle for the last 2 trips here. Getting all the right pieces, navigating the confusion of satellite service providers to find the best price. But God was in charge of it all. Not only did we find a service provider that is providing service that is very good for a very good deal, he also helped us to get it all up and running with minimal expense.

I have put in a few satellites in the States but it really hasn't been my main thing, so my experience with them is very limited, especially these giant dish things. I was doing my best to get it put together with all the knowledge I had, and with the limited Internet connectivity, trying to use google to search for what I needed with not a lot of success. We had called some professional installers to come out but they kept delaying.

I was learning new stuff around every corner, from putting the feed horn together, to pointing the dish it was all pretty new to me. At one point I was searching for a needle and a magnet so I could make a compass to point the dish with, fortunately, as God would have it, one of the people here had a friend who happen to put a compass in her luggage for her when she came over. Our first effort at pointing the dish was very bad, we were way off. I did some more reading, stayed up till 2 or 3 the first 2 nights researching and working. Finally I think I have it figured out, how to point the dish, how much elevation to give it, and all that. Well Kiley, Jeremy, Amos and I working on it, getting it aimed just as close as possible, calculating, figuring, adjusting... and we get no signal at all. Not even a hope of signal.

It was very frustrating, I was tired and getting worn out. I had been praying really hard that God would guide me in figuring out how to make this satellite connection work because I think it will be so important for our future efforts here. But to no avail. Then Tammy, Brook, Kris, Amos and I were sitting around the office, trying to think of what to do next. I was readily admitting that I had reached the end of my knowledge and experience and did not know what to do. So Tammy says, we just need to pray, and we did. I said a prayer to God to give me the knowledge we need, I had said this prayer many times that day, but now it we were gathered together praying together. We know God doesn't need the Internet, but we do and we want to use it to His glory. He honored our prayer.

After the prayer I opened up a users manual and on the page in front of me was a calculation that I had never seen or heard of before. It was exactly what I needed. I went and adjusted the dish and immediately got a signal. Within a couple of hours we were online. It was definitely God. It was great! Here it is:


I'm so happy to hear that you are all safe. Thank you for posting or sending messages through others. My prayers are for all. Keep up the good work and take care of the babies.

Brook Ewbank's message

Garen,My dad wanted me to send you a quick update to have you send out to everyone in the group.
We made to Liberia with a few minor (ok, some major issues...but we can talk about that later ;)) issues in 31 hours. We were all very exhausted, but very happy to be here. God is doing great things already and the week has just begun. Some of us have gone to the orphange and got to see all the cute little kids that need adopting (and the ones that will be joing our church family soon!). We have also been hitting the streets with the local pastors spreading the Gospel and information about the crusade. We've passed out thousands of flyers and talked to lots of people. We are all very excited! The guys (Kiley, Jeremy and Michael) went to the stadium and worked on the sound system and then Kiley and Jeremy graciously help them South Dakota team with stage stuff. Dax has been working very hard on the internet. He is hoping to have it up and running soon, but being in a place like Liberia is very difficult and causes some problems (Dax just said its hard cause you can't go to Staples to buy what you need, and its hard finding small stuff like styrofoam). ANyway, he is doing a great job and his work is blessing the people here at WACSN. The rest of the group has been out and about on the town. We've seen so many things and talked to so many people. It's so fun and we can't wait to see how God is going to use Fresh Start and the pastors here to reach the people of Liberia! Thanks for you all your prayers. Sorry, we haven't updated sooner. We are having some issues with blogs, but hopefully we'll get that started soon as well! Please pray: For the rest of the week leading up to the crusade, pray that we will continue getting the word out and that God will begin preparing hearts. For the actual crusade...a lot of work has gone into it and we know God will do big things...but in that Satan will also be at work. For a situation here with WACSN...Satan is working overtime, and causing some complications, but we know we serve a God that is BIGGER than all this. Hopefully, we can update you more later. Once again, thanks for your prayer! Grace and peace,those of us in Liberia (written by Brook, but the others are in spirit!)
Hi everyone, after two hours and this being the second time of typing, I hope this gets posted! So much happening—some bad, some wonderful. I cannot begin to tell all of the stories so I will tell a few. Lisa tried last night to blog and after typing it all up lost it trying to get on! We arrived after a 5 hour delay Sunday night at about 11:00 pm and at the compound at 1:00 am. Finally some got to bed around 2:30 am. (They had a meal ready for us) We didn’t get much sleep in 2 days, but miraculously God has sustained us so that we can go out and work. Dax has been cooped up for the last 2 ½ days trying to get the satellite internet going and so has missed out on all the blessings the rest of us have experienced. I am sorry for him. Monday morning most of us went to the nursery and held babies and met Samuel and then to the orphanage and met the children including the French’s and Bishops. Then many of us went with pastors either in vans or truck with loud speakers telling everyone about the crusade. What a blessing! We did the same thing yesterday and for the first time in his life Michael got a sunburn. Please continue praying for preparation for the crusade and that Satan’s attempts at thwarting God’s work will be put down immediately! We love and miss you all and can hardly wait to tell you all that we have experienced!
Hi everyone, after two hours and this being the second time of typing, I hope this gets posted! So much happening—some bad, some wonderful. I cannot begin to tell all of the stories so I will tell a few. Lisa tried last night to blog and after typing it all up lost it trying to get on! We arrived after a 5 hour delay Sunday night at about 11:00 pm and at the compound at 1:00 am. Finally some got to bed around 2:30 am. (They had a meal ready for us) We didn’t get much sleep in 2 days, but miraculously God has sustained us so that we can go out and work. Dax has been cooped up for the last 2 ½ days trying to get the satellite internet going and so has missed out on all the blessings the rest of us have experienced. I am sorry for him. Monday morning most of us went to the nursery and held babies and met Samuel and then to the orphanage and met the children including the French’s and Bishops. Then many of us went with pastors either in vans or truck with loud speakers telling everyone about the crusade. What a blessing! We did the same thing yesterday and for the first time in his life Michael got a sunburn. Please continue praying for preparation for the crusade and that Satan’s attempts at thwarting God’s work will be put down immediately! We love and miss you all and can hardly wait to tell you all that we have experienced!

Monday, March 23, 2009

News from Monrovia

Fresh Start Fellowship,
11:45 AM, Monday 23 March 09
Dax called this morning and everyone arrived in good spirits. He is busy setting up the internet access using a satelite connection.
Michael and Tony are out spreading the Crusade news in Monrovia, on the streets and public markets.
I will post what I hear from the group.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Well, the time is almost here and I see that noone has posted a blog yet and I really don't want to be the first, but I guess someone has to do it! I am excited and ready to go (at least mentally) to see what God has in store for us and others. I think I know how big God is in that I know that nothing is impossible with Him, and yet I also know that I will see so much more than I had ever dreamed. I already am! And it must be big because Satan is on the prowl and attacking, but I know that God is bigger and Satan doesn't stand a chance! Thank you, God for Who you are, what You have done and will do, and truly, just everything!!! We praise You and bless You and ask that Glory will be brought to You!! In Jesus' name we come to You!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Blogging for How Big is God!

This blog supports the numerous individuals supporting the How Big is God! efforts in Liberia. Several have been invited by email to be authors of blog posts. If you would like to be authors and going to Liberia to support God's efforts there. Let us know and we will get you in as an author. This blog is set to allow anyone to comment on any of the authors' posts.