Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Brook Ewbank's message

Garen,My dad wanted me to send you a quick update to have you send out to everyone in the group.
We made to Liberia with a few minor (ok, some major issues...but we can talk about that later ;)) issues in 31 hours. We were all very exhausted, but very happy to be here. God is doing great things already and the week has just begun. Some of us have gone to the orphange and got to see all the cute little kids that need adopting (and the ones that will be joing our church family soon!). We have also been hitting the streets with the local pastors spreading the Gospel and information about the crusade. We've passed out thousands of flyers and talked to lots of people. We are all very excited! The guys (Kiley, Jeremy and Michael) went to the stadium and worked on the sound system and then Kiley and Jeremy graciously help them South Dakota team with stage stuff. Dax has been working very hard on the internet. He is hoping to have it up and running soon, but being in a place like Liberia is very difficult and causes some problems (Dax just said its hard cause you can't go to Staples to buy what you need, and its hard finding small stuff like styrofoam). ANyway, he is doing a great job and his work is blessing the people here at WACSN. The rest of the group has been out and about on the town. We've seen so many things and talked to so many people. It's so fun and we can't wait to see how God is going to use Fresh Start and the pastors here to reach the people of Liberia! Thanks for you all your prayers. Sorry, we haven't updated sooner. We are having some issues with blogs, but hopefully we'll get that started soon as well! Please pray: For the rest of the week leading up to the crusade, pray that we will continue getting the word out and that God will begin preparing hearts. For the actual crusade...a lot of work has gone into it and we know God will do big things...but in that Satan will also be at work. For a situation here with WACSN...Satan is working overtime, and causing some complications, but we know we serve a God that is BIGGER than all this. Hopefully, we can update you more later. Once again, thanks for your prayer! Grace and peace,those of us in Liberia (written by Brook, but the others are in spirit!)

1 comment:

  1. Mary Beth, take time for yourself and enjoy those babies
