Monday, March 30, 2009

Crusade Buildup

Here's some video I took building up to the crusade. There are a lot more pictures and videos, including video of Kris's, mine and Calvin's sermons. I'll get those together as soon as I can. I put this on together real fast. It's pretty fun and it just shows the guys going out to promote the crusade and then kind of a build up to the crusade itself. On the last day we estimate we had 5-6000 people there. not as big as we wanted maybe, but it's still a lot! and I think the people walked away with a very clear message, if they will turn back to Christ, God will heal their land!


  1. Thanks for the video Dax. I can't wait to see the rest of the footage when you get back!

  2. The girls say thank you for the video. Aleese said it brought back some happy memories for her, she also recognized the song they were singing when the truck left the compound. They were proud of Michael dancing and praising God with their people. We know you all have worked hard and we thank you! We also know that none of you will return to America the same people; Praise be to God!
