Thursday, March 26, 2009

Interventional Prayers

9:50 AM Thurdsay 26Mar09
Tammy Ewbank called Judy Ewbank this morning with an urgent request. The Government of Liberia is removing the children from the WACSN orphanage because of the accusations (some orginating in Fairview) of mistreatment of the orphans. This is devasting to the families there that are adopting and breaking many hearts. Please pray that God, in his will, directs the Fresh Start Fellowship members in Monrovia, Calvin Burgess, and the staff at WACSN. Please pray that anger would not be apart of our reaction.
Pray for our vision to:
Love God
Love Others
Make Disciples

Please consider Sheila and Lisa and ask that God would console and comfort their hearts and souls.

The meeting rooom on the 1st floor of the iTower will be open all day for anyone wishing to stop in and pray. May the Holy Spirit use this to demonstrate God's power and love.

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