Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hi everyone, after two hours and this being the second time of typing, I hope this gets posted! So much happening—some bad, some wonderful. I cannot begin to tell all of the stories so I will tell a few. Lisa tried last night to blog and after typing it all up lost it trying to get on! We arrived after a 5 hour delay Sunday night at about 11:00 pm and at the compound at 1:00 am. Finally some got to bed around 2:30 am. (They had a meal ready for us) We didn’t get much sleep in 2 days, but miraculously God has sustained us so that we can go out and work. Dax has been cooped up for the last 2 ½ days trying to get the satellite internet going and so has missed out on all the blessings the rest of us have experienced. I am sorry for him. Monday morning most of us went to the nursery and held babies and met Samuel and then to the orphanage and met the children including the French’s and Bishops. Then many of us went with pastors either in vans or truck with loud speakers telling everyone about the crusade. What a blessing! We did the same thing yesterday and for the first time in his life Michael got a sunburn. Please continue praying for preparation for the crusade and that Satan’s attempts at thwarting God’s work will be put down immediately! We love and miss you all and can hardly wait to tell you all that we have experienced!

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