Saturday, March 28, 2009

So much going on

Hi Fresh Start. Things are so busy, we're all working hard and are very tired but we are continuing to pursue God. The first night of the crusade didn't draw as many as I was dreaming it would but there was still 1500 - 2000 people there, and about 100 people responded for salvation. This is Africa, and plans change quickly, you have to learn and adapt and really live by faith. We are planning tonight to reorganize the events to really feature Calvin. His heart for Africans, and his experience, along with this love for Christ will give him a powerful message, I expect there will be many more people at the crusade tonight as we are organizing and planning with all the pastors and providing buses to help get their people there. We are planning now to have several radio stations carry the message live! That will be very exciting!

Calvin knows that the gospel is the key to liberating Africa (and all the world for that matter) from the bondage of satan and the deception of sin. Along with that his experience gives him an insight to get the message across.

We also were interviewed by many national radio and television stations where we were able to boldly proclaim Christ. So keep praying, the devil is hard at work and he has a stranglehold on this land, pray that people will seek Christ and He will lead them to repentance.

In other news we made the paper, satan continues to attack and distract through the government and news agencies. Here is a story that is filled with lies:

Do you think we are right in the thick of it? Praise God!

There are accusations also flying around that Maria has smuggled some kids out of the country. But the very kids they claim were smuggled out were taken from the orphanage by the government and Maria has all their paperwork, signed by the very official blaming them for smuggling! It's incredible satanic lies!

It all boils down to this. Satan does not want people to receive the gospel. If they do they will begin to live righteously and mend their families. Anytime you see a nation where the family is disintegrated you will find poverty and you will find Satanic forces running rampant. God uses the family as a conduit for his blessings, and as a safe harbor against satans attacks. As we live righteously under the Lordship of Christ, and care for our families, it builds strong prosperous nations in the way that God intended it to be done. This was the key to America's wealth, and as we turn from our foundation, we will begin to see poverty just the same as in Africa, because no institution can care for the needs of a child and raise that child to be a Godly man or woman better than a mother and father who love Jesus.

God is screaming this message at us. Are we listening? He is demanding the Gospel to be proclaimed and for people to live righteous lives. He is screaming this out of frustration and love, the same frustration you might feel if your child was struggling at a task because they won't listen to your simple instructions to complete it. This means we must work, we must raise our families in righteousness, our families must bind together and build strong churches, our churches must bind together to build strong cities, and our cities must bind together to build a strong nation. All of this hinges on YOU living for Jesus, loving Him, loving others, and making disciples.

You may have heard someone say "Seek first the kingdom of God ... and all of these thing will be added unto you." The "..." in the quote above is something we often leave out, it says "and His righteousness". If we are seeking God's kingdom, but not His righteousness, then we've only got it half right. We also know that in the book of James God commands us to rescue orphans, care for widows, but do you remember that the rest of that sentance says that we are to "keep ourselves from being polluted by the world". Everyday I start to understand it more and more, especially after seeing the children from the orphanage have all of the suffering from all of this ending up directly on them. Do you think your sin doesn't affect others? I'm coming to believe that satan ends up using it, however he can, to hurt the least among us.

Keep praying, we know the outcome and God wins! Let's stay on the front lines so we can celebrate in the victory all the more!


  1. Praise God for the salvation responses! God will continue to be victorious. It is truly appalling that the basis of journalism used to be factual; but now anything can be written with no facts to base it on. Our prayers continue to be with you all.

  2. Well, I'm glad to see my daughter is OK. She is very identifiable in the picture with the children. The armor of God is really needed now. What did Phil say? We are at war with Satan. God Bless all of you, and may you be safe. We are definitely praying for you and all the children.
