Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Give Thanks to the Lord, For HE is Good.

Good Morning, All I can say today is "Give Thanks to the Lord, for HE is Good, His Love Endures Forever." I have that song in my heart this morning. It is true in every circumstance, however, we tend to run on our emotions and fear instead of His truth. I want to stand on His TRUTH.

Please know that we are at peace and very safe. The mean lady found the nursery yesterday, but we were prepared and all the little ones were SAFE. I don't feel free to elaborate, but just know they are SAFE. Also know that two of the older children have contact with someone close to us, and they are doing well. They know how to look after one another and are doing so. We are confident that God is in Control.

We went to the Senate yesterday. Lots of pictures, little talking by us. We are waiting for an appointment to meet privately with the Vice President, President Pro-Tem, and possibly President. PRAY for at least one of those meetings to come to pass. We want to plead for our children. This is not about us, it is about God. He will be glorified.

It will be difficult to board the plane tomorrow, but I am at peace. God did not bring me here by mistake. He did not give me love for Samuel by mistake. I will cherish the few moments I had with him, regardless if they were the last. He was God's child before I knew about him and will continue to be, with or without me. I prayed over him, and I am confident that God knows what is best for him.

On a more joyous note, I attended a beautiful wedding last night. What a blessing it was for me to be able to be there. We have video and many pics. I can't wait to share.

Love you all very much! We will see you soon!


  1. Prayers are being answered! To God be the Glory!

  2. Praise the Lord for His peace and everlasting arsms for He is our fortress in times of trouble. You guys are all my heros, you don't even know us yet we are all one in Christ. We have been with you is spirit the entire way. We have been praying and fasting.
    We too have babies (twins born 7/2008)over there so this news is very comcorting. We are in process with our second adoption, we were there in 3/2006 and hosted Maria here last November.
    Isn't God BIG!!!!
    E-mail me if you can wallacefamily@netins.net I would love to hear more.

  3. We, also are adopting 3 children. My husband and I were there the whole month of Jan. but could not leave with the kids. Please contact us so we can talk to you. ajcaldwell@mchsi.com
